Jourdani, Edouard
Maitriser Les Conflicts Par Les Communs
"Through his in-depth analysis of foresight methods applied to conflict prevention, douard Jourdain points out the weaknesses of the academic and practical discipline, from its origins with Gaston Berger after the Second World War to modern approaches. Illustrating the frequent failures of predictions in this field, notably with Lawrence Freedman, douard Jourdain highlights their inadequacies and develops a new approach based on the commons, founded on collective intelligence and a renewed notion of democracy. Offering a critical perspective on our ability to anticipate and emerge from war, this book is a crucial source of reflection for all those concerned by the political issues of tomorrow. 200 pages book, in French. Patrick FRMEAUX A graduate of EHESS with a doctorate in political science and philosophy, douard Jourdain is renowned for his research in political science. The research he presents here is the fruit of a three-year post-doctorate at Polytechnique on the anticipation of armed conflict. In particular, it incorporates an approach based on the commons of war, in terms of both their ability to provide information on its possibility in a context of uncertainty, and their capacity to prevent it through institutions that renew the notion of democracy."