Tort, Patrick
Darwin Une Theorie De La Civilisation, De La Selection
in French !! "Never has Darwin, the thinker of survival through transformation, been so much in demand as he has been since the most dominant societies began to realise that they could not survive without profoundly transforming their relationship with others and with nature. For Darwin is not only the genius behind the explanation of changes in the living world through natural selection. He is also the man who dismissed the dogma of Providence, established morality on a strictly immanent basis, laid the foundations of a scientific ecology, fought against slavery, demonstrated the founding capacity of migration, and identified civilisation with the duty to recognise others and protect the weakest. As a philosopher, historian and theorist of knowledge, Patrick Tort's encyclopaedic work on the father of the modern theory of evolution has paved the way for a powerful overhaul of Darwinian studies, based on a meticulous analysis of the naturalist's work and innermost thoughts. Claude COLOMBINI and Patrick FRMEAUX Philosopher, linguist, historian of science and founder of the International Charles-Darwin Institute, Patrick Tort has written some twenty books on Darwin, including the Dictionnaire du darwinisme et de l'volution (winner of the Acadmie des sciences prize), and is directing the complete translation of Darwin's works published by Slatkine et Champion."