
Erbarme Dich - Matthew Passion Stories

A labyrinthine journey against the backdrop of an abandoned church, where people such as opera director Peter Sellars, writer Anna Enquist and dancer Emio Greco relate their special relationship with Bachs music. A choir of homeless people is invited to attend a rehearsal of the St Matthew Passion performed by The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands, in an abandoned church. Every person in this house of God has his or her own reason for listening to the St Matthew Passion. The orchestra, soloists and choir, led by Pieter Jan Leusink, underscore the stories of the main characters with their performance of the St Matthew Passion. But Leusink isn't just the conductor, hes also one of the main characters and shares his painful history in which this music has played a dominant role. Stories from the wide range of characters alternate seamlessly. Through their stories we learn how the St Matthew Passion played a decisive role in the human relations between men and women, lovers, parents and their children. These characters stories are unique but can be easily identified with; after all we are all acquainted with some kind of suffering, loss and love. With PETER SELLARS, SIMON HALSEY, ANNA ENQUIST, BOUDEWIJN TARENSKEEN, EMIO GRECO, PIETER JAN LEUSINK, OLGA ZINOVIEVA, NOOR SLUYTER, RINKE NIJBURG, YOUSSEF BOUCENNA, JACQUES VEDEL, RUDI LOEFF and THE BACH CHOIR & ORCHESTRA OF THE NETHERLANDS and HOMELESS CHOIR DE STRAATKLINKERS. director & script RAMN GIELING, cinematography GOERT GILTAY, sound WOUTER VELDHUIS, editor BARBARA HIN, sound design MARC LIZIER, research GABRIELLA ADER & YVONNE ROERDINK, production design VINCENT DE PATER, wardrobe CATHERINE CUYKENS, line producer SYLVIA BAAN, producer JANNEKE DOOLAARD. COUNTRY: THE NETHERLANDS - LANGUAGE: DUTCH, ENGLISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, GERMAN, FRENCH - SUBTITLES: ENGLISH - IMAGE: COLOUR , 16:9 ANAMORPHIC (1.85) - LENGTH: 99 MINUTES - SOUND: DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1. This is international version!

€ 15.90
DVM - 1 disk
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