Hardrock Gunter
I'll Give 'em Rhytm
I'll Give 'Em Rhythm is a 29-track German import containing mostly Decca and King sides from the 1950s plus a few other independent label and previously unreleased recordings. Many of the tracks were dubbed from vinyl so the sound quality isn't as good as it could be, but the music is excellent. Gunter's hillbilly boogies and novelties didn't land him on the charts, but he is respected for his talent and pioneering proto-rock (his "Birmingham Bounce," not included here, is sometimes said to be the first rock & roll song). This package is a perfect companion to the Hardrock Gunter anthology on England's Rollercoaster label; with I'll Give 'Em Rhythm's generous program and thick photo- and text-packed booklet, it's a needed primer of rare recordings from a lesser-known but significant artist.